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Is the Sale Switch a real thing?

I think so. Why I say” I think” instead of “I know”, ? Cause I’m only going on my experience and a few close friends. here’s what I know, and what I hear.

Customers: “Wow, that time flew by, we have alot of follow-up points to capture”

Co-workers: Do you ever not have another question?

Co-worker to my wife at a company function: “Wow, we have so many laughs at work, your husband must be a hoot at home.”

Wife when I get home, or after dinner, or watching TV: “Why are you so quiet?”

Ok, I may have made that company function one up. But my wife has told me that people I work with think I’m the same at work as I am at home, and she’ll tell you, nope. I suspect it’s like that for quite a few salespeople out there. So, I think the Sales Switch is a real thing. When it’s on, it’s on and when it’s off, sorry it’s off.
