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Stove Is Hot Consulting is here to help companies sell. More.

Why is it called Stove Is Hot? Probably the best advice I’m thinking everyone would hear at some point in their lives.

Stove Is Hot. Solid advice, that’s worth listening to.

Stove Is Hot Consulting is here to help companies sell. More.

In the 20+ successful years of Retail and Foodservice experience, Stove Is Hot has applied the winning methodology of identifying a trend and providing a solution.

Currently offering that process in these methods:

Club Item Savvy

For any company who want their items sold at Costco, Club Item Savvy offers a proven, successful methodology that guides the entire listing process. Unlike your existing options, our process should get you there faster and avoid surprises. Costco is successful because they do it different, they do it their way and it works. Let me help you with that.

Here’s where I’ve helped

  • Strategic plans
  • Maximize/manage spend
  • Expand sales targets
  • Incremental listings
  • Senior introductions
  • Upgrade current setup

Sales Team Consultant

For companies who want to realize the maximum from your sales force, Sales Team Consultant is an analysis and execution process that has your sales force wake up everyday, wanting to sell. Unlike traditional & current methods, our system is developed through a hunter salesperson lens. From the corporate culture to bonus structure revamp to sales closings. Don’t leave the sales call to the salesperson’s gut instincts. There’s a much better way.

Most In-Demand Solutions Developed

  • Rate Your Rep
  • Better Sales Call
  • Real On Board
  • Best Exit
  • T.A.Q.I.
  • Whose To Decide
  • Sell This, Not That
  • Culture Of Sales




Is the Sale Switch a real thing?
I think so. Why I say" I think" instead of "I know", ? Cause I'm only going on my experience and a few close friends. here's what I know, and what I hear. Customers: "Wow, that time flew by, we have alot of follow-up points to capture" Co-workers: Do you …
Training Sales
One of the most important methods of developing great salespeople is training. It's also one of the toughest things to get right. In my opinion, when a salesperson turns on their sales switch when they wake up, they're thinking about sales, the entire time, until they turn their switch off …
Free Tip- Costco Team Roles
Funny not haha but funny strange that companies that do business with Costco don't have a structured Costco Team with defined roles. I've seen it and hear it. They'll have teams for other business units, but the Costco piece, maybe because it's the Club channel in Canada, is somehow an …
Costco 4 Second Rule
What is the Costco 4 second rule? It's actually more commonly known as the 5 x 5 rule. 5 seconds from 5 feet away. That's how effective your packaging needs to be at Costco. You don't have time to experiment. Members are looking for new items all the time, and …
First Blog
Ask your sales force. Do you wake up everyday thinking about your next sale? If you get a no, that’s on you. I say that because you control getting the right sales people in place and getting them properly trained. That’s usually the easy part. The last piece is, are …